I Don’t Love Jesus Simply Because…

I don’t love Jesus simply
Because my friends have said so.
I don’t go to Holy Mass on Sunday
Just because my parents would ask me everyday.
I attend the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Because I’ve always had a great interest…

I don’t regularly confess my sins,
It’s not because I have nothing to admit
Or because I’m such a nice person.
But when I do repent my wrongdoings,
I see to it,
I’m headed in the right direction.

I don’t simply love the Savior Jesus
Because the scripture said, “Love Jesus.”
I love Jesus for He gives my life a true essence.
I don’t want to pretend in front of Him
And sing His triumphal hymn
Without His real presence.

Yes, I really love my Lord Jesus
Because He is the Son of God.
I know I’ll be safe under His command.
I love Jesus because He’s my helping hand;
His love is the greatest and pure, not a fraud!
Tell me, who wouldn’t love Him anyway?