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What is Christianity?

What is Christianity means history, religion beliefs, history, holy book, symbol, facts and traditions?

What are Christianity history and its beliefs?

Like Theism, Christianity is also considered as monotheistic religion meaning a belief of the existence of a single God. Christians consider Lord Jesus Christ as their only Lord and the belief of Christianity started since then. Lord Jesus Christ was considered as the savior of time and the messiah and messenger of God sent from above. Christianity got its origin from Jesus Christ and Apostles by him at that time. It started way back around the 1st century AD when the Jewish people spread their religion in the areas of Palestine and spread to the complete Rome. Later on due to conflicts that emerged between the people it got segregated into three branches namely, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Protestant Churches.

What is christianity facts and beliefs and practices?

What is Christianity?

Since the segregation of these into three parts, there were more discussions and arguments whether they need to be Jewish before Christian or not. Different people said different things. Later, it was concluded by St. Peter that they did not be necessarily Jewish before being a Christian. Christianity got its origin since then. The sources to the origin and the beginning of the belief were from the different Testament Epistles and the varied Gospels which direct people to the righteous path to lead a peaceful life. They were written after the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ. He is considered as supreme power because he got rebirth and rose from tomb.

Christianity 101 religions in global history

What is Christianity?

Everything about Christianity religion:

Christianity is a religion based on the testaments of Christian beliefs and versus. It is followed by millions of people in the world. It is based on the life and preaching of Lord Jesus Christ. It contributes around 33% of the world’s population. It has a great effect on western countries and spread all over the world. The Bible holy book of Christianity is the religion book of Christians imbibing all the verses and was testaments with the summation of all the teachings and principle of Lord Jesus Christ. Christians celebrate the victory of Good over Evil and it is celebration Lord Jesus Christ from tomb after resurrection. His birth was miraculous and was believe that he was a messenger sent from above by the supreme power was sent in the full physical form of Human beings. After he was crossed on Friday, his body was kept in a tomb with stones affixed to it as the religious leader feared of his body being stolen by anybody. But to the surprise of everybody after 3 days that is on a Sunday when a lady named Mary went to the tomb to offer last rites, she found that the stone was rolled off and the body was missing, then the two beautiful angels tell that the body is not stolen but it is the rebirth of Lord Jesus Christ. Since then there was an environment of utmost Euphoria and magic. Easter was celebrated on this day where Christianity belief got birth and empowered Christianity religion.

5 Basic doctrines of christianity

What is Christianity?

The major belief of Christianity is that Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God Father. They consider the holiness of Church and all the saints. It also gives due importance to the Holy Spirit and sacred tradition of Christianity. Holy Bible gives all the verses, gospels, testaments given by Lord Jesus Christ. Catholics, Anglicans, Eastern Christians, and traditional Protestants together constitute the significant framework of the year known as Liturgical year. They are further divided on their basis prayer format, seasons, church working, and many more. Easter, Christmas is one of the most celebrated festivals of the Christians. They are filled with lots of joy and happiness by liting candles and singing praise songs. They also distribute decorated eggs and chocolate eggs as goodies of happiness. You might wonder what makes Christianity unique from other religions. The answer is it just diversified truth paths which leads to please God. It shows varied ways in which you can please God and his holy spirit. To conclude with Christianity is following the preaching of Lord Jesus Christ and lead a life full of truth and correctness.