The Living Sacrifice: Daily Inspirational Bible Verse

I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1. The author of this chapter was paul. He is writing a letter to the Romans, describing how to serve God.

Know the truth that is revealed to Paul by God in the – bible words in English today

Paul describes that our faith and doctrine should be demonstrated in our daily lives. The attitudes and actions of Christians should be set apart from the world in which he lives. The truths that are revealed by God to Paul should always be put into practice.

By the mercies of God, we need to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice and acceptable to God. When we do this, then this is known as the spiritual service of worship. The one who has come to faith in Christ. They need to make a decisive commitment to offering themselves to God. God is very much concerned that our actions should be righteous.

We need to act according to the mercies of God. His mercy is evident in his eternal plan to save everyone from their sins and grant them righteousness and promise them his hope of glory. His mercy is seen in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sinners. His mercy is also evident in the life of Christian to dwell his spirit in them and work according to his purposes. His mercy is to enable us to serve him.

How to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God in daily bible promise:

The goal of the Christian life is to please God. He wants us to please him eagerly and accepts his approval. We need to commit ourselves to the service of worship. We need to renew our minds to serve God.

Our sacrifice should be as a living sacrifice because when he has died, we too died in our sins and raised to a new life in Jesus. When we believe in him, he will give us a new life.

We do not present the members of our body to sin, but we need to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, and the members of our body should be righteous to God.

The life of a Christian is the life that was given by the grace of God .so our gratitude to God should be as a sacrifice of praise. Our sacrifice is expressed in our service and also the worship. Our sacrifice should be holy and acceptable to God.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with bible verses to read daily with the most inspirational Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Thank the Lord for sacrificing himself for us.

In the same, we need to sacrifice ourselves in the means of the sacrifice of praise, worship. No one deserves our sacrifice. Only the Lord deserves sacrifice, which is holy and acceptable to him.

Father Lord Almighty, thank you, Lord, make myself present to you as a living sacrifice, which is holy and acceptable to you. I pray, Amen.

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