The lord is close to us: Daily inspirational bible verse

The Lord is close to all who call on him yes, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18. The author of this chapter was king David.       

Know more about God who is close to us when we call him in – bible words in English today.

David says that God is close to the one who calls him. When we pray to the Lord, he will respond to us. He will fulfill the desire of the one who calls to him. He has created the people so he will take care of his people and comfort them with his strength.

In psalm 34:18 says the lord is near to the one who is brokenhearted and saves the crush in spirit. In Jeremiah 29: 12-13 says when we go pray to him, he will hear our prayers, and when we seek him with all our heart, we find him. He will stay close to us in our sufferings.

The Lord will hear our cry and save us. When we meditate on his truth, he will be close to us. We need to have a deeper relationship with him. The more we meditate on the word of god and keep in our minds and hearts, the more we can pray to god. When we pray like this, our prayers are answered positively, and we will feel the presence of God.

In John 4:23-24, the true worshippers should worship in spirit and truth because the father is looking for the worshippers who worship in spirit and truth. God is spirit, so we need to worship in spirit and truth. We need to have closeness with God in our lives with truth.

When we look at the life of Christ, we see that his relationship with his father was so deep. He always prayed to god in times of distress, sorrow, performing miracles, making decisions because he found strength and comfort from the lord. He invested every second in the presence of God. God loves when we pray by his word because his word is the best weapon to fight against the things of the world.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with bible verses to read daily with the most inspirational Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. We need to thank the Lord because he will be close to us when we call him in truth. We should remember that he is never far from us. We need to keep the word of god in our minds and hearts so that we will enjoy the presence of God always with us.

Father Lord Almighty, Thank you, Lord, for always being close to me whenever I call you. All praise to you for your majesty, holiness, and strength. I pray, Amen. 

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