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Incomparable God: Today’s verse of the day

Introduction: Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand . . . ? Isaiah 40:12. Isaiah is the major prophet in the bible. The above verse mainly depicts the greatness of the Lord. The Lord tells us through the prophet Isaiah that he is so great and has authority, power over all creation.

The amazing power of God in the – daily inspirational bible verse

Description: Our God is so great who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and measured heaven with span. He has authority and dominion over all creation. So that we always stand in his power and glory. God doesn’t look like a giant so that all the waters are fitted in his hand. The bible clearly says that God is spirit.

Creator of the universe: At the beginning of the universe, God, through the spirit he said, Let the waters under heaven should gather at one place, the moment he said it happened. The creation of earth can be studied in Genesis, chapter 1. He is greater than all the creation, and He is higher than all the nations and the idols that were created by man.

In psalms, 24:1- 2 says the fullness of the earth and the world who dwell in it belongs to the Lord, and he founded the seas and established it upon the waters. In psalms, 89:12 says heaven and earth are established by God and belongs to him.

The Lord is the everlasting Lord, stronger in power, and he is the first and last. His words are so powerful so that when he says something to happen, within a second, it happened. His hands are filled with mighty power. In Hebrews 1:10-11, Paul says, in the beginning, God has laid the foundation of the earth, even though they perish, but God will stay forever.

In proverbs 30:4 says the Lord is the one who gathered the wind in his fist, bound the waters in the garments, established all the ends of the earth. He has mighty power in his hands. In Isaiah, 48:12 says his hand laid the foundation of the earth, and his right hand spanned heavens. When he calls them, they stand up together.

How he measured the waters in his hands, in the same way, he will take care of us and hold us in his hands. We need to trust him so that he will help us in the difficult situation. His word is enough to heal from any diseases, abundant in times of lack. Nothing is impossible with God.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal is publishing online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. He is the Lord of the Lord, creator of the earth, and heaven, and no one can replace him. His words are so powerful, and his hands are a mighty power, great and mysterious.

There is no power, no god, and no force can be compared with him. He is great in his power, and he wants to stay in our hearts forever. We need to welcome him into our hearts. He is the hope for our future and present.

He has created us to worship and glorify him with all our hearts. He is the one who created the mountains and willing to build mansions in heaven, which is our eternal home in heaven. When we put trust in him, we can stay there forever.

He is the mighty God, so he measured waters in his hands. When we pray to him, he will listen to our prayers and surely answer our prayers. He loves us, so he sent his sons to die for our sons. No one in this world sacrificed themselves to us.

Father Lord Almighty, you are so great, majestic, hold me in your hands and protect me as you hold waters in your hands. I pray, Amen.

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