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Cradled in Comfort: Everyday Bible Verse

Introduction: As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you. Isaiah 66:13. Isaiah is the greatest prophet in the bible.

Let you know how Jesus christ comforts us like our mother in the – bible quote for today.

Description: Isaiah speaks the word by saying how the mother comforts her child; God will also comfort like a mother. God referred to himself as a mother but not the father because the mother is the one who cares more than the father.

Isaiah 46:3 says to descendants of Jacob that he has cared for them since they were born. The people of Israel say to the Lord that he has forgotten us. But the Lord says I will never forget you can a mother forget her child in a similar manner I too will never forget you and my love towards you will stay forever. Even if she forgets her child, I will never forsake you.

In Isaiah 66:12-13 says to Jerusalem that he will give them a river of peace and prosperity. The wealth of the nation will flow to them, and the children are nursed by him and comfort them as comforts her child.

Comfort: if we are mothers, we always think about our child, kiss them, hug them, wipe their tears, and comfort them. If we are fathers, we think that our wife is there to comfort the child. The children every time go towards the mother to tell about their problems. She has a gift from God to comfort her children; likewise, God also comforts us like our mother.

There is comfort in the arms of the mother when she hugs; we feel better, and we have confidence that everything will be alright. So God is also there to comfort in the same manner and says everything will be alright. That great God is there for us to comfort.

Care: God demonstrated his love for us by sending his son to clean our sins. So that here we care about us. No matter what we did, but our mother loves and cares. She never stops loving us, caring for us. Her love is unconditional in the same manner Jesus loves unconditional, so he gave his life to us. Mother will have patience towards us; likewise, Jesus has the patient towards us and waiting for us to come to him.

Concern: mothers not only love, care, comfort their children, but they will also be concerned about them. So she every time asks you about our life, struggles we are facing, our jobs, education, etc. because she has concern and wants to know what will happen in our life. The word concern means protecting us. In the same manner, God said that he would protect in our ways. He too had a concern about us. He cares very affectionately in his arms. When we trust him, he will keep us in perfect peace. He will keep us safe from all the enemies. Relationship with him makes him comfort and protect us.

Compassion: when her child suffers, she will also suffer. This is the heart of the mother. She shows true compassion, and also she will sacrifice anything for her child. In the same manner, God showed compassion towards us and sacrificed his son for us to die on the cross.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. When trouble in this world God comforts us, we need to seek him whenever we are in trouble so that he will care for us and comfort us.
God will show motherly comfort towards us. When we pray to him, he will comfort us. Don’t expect comfort from any others. Ask from the Lord to comfort yourselves. His love, care, compassion, concern towards us is unconditional. He will carry us in his wombs and protect us.

Father Lord Almighty, Thank you, god, for showing that much love, care, compassion, comfort towards me. I pray, Amen.

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