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His Wonderful Face: Daily Scripture Devotional: Bible Verse

Introduction: Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11. In this chapter, David praises God before Israel people to seek him to get stronger.

Learn how to seek from David in the – bible scripture today.

Description: David brought the Ark of the covenant into the tent and offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before God. He blessed people in the name of the Lord at the end of offerings. He appointed Levites before the ark of the covenant to do service and thanked Israel God.

Then David delivered his psalm by saying give thanks to the Lord and tell his mighty deeds to everyone. Sing psalms to him and talk about his wondrous works. Give glory to his holy name and let everyone’s heart rejoice about him. Seek the Lord of Israel and his strength.

In Psalms 27:8-9 says David always humbled himself before God, he said to God to seek His face and never turned his face from him. Never turn your anger before me and never forsake me. In Psalms    67: 1, God is so gracious and bless us and make his face shine on us so that everyone knows his ways on the earth.

In Psalms 24:6 if we seek his face of the God of Jacob, we will be righteous and have a blessing from the Lord. We need to seek the Lord continually. In Isaiah 55:6-7 says to seek the Lord of Israel when we found and call him when he is near.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 says when we call God and pray to him, he will hear us. When we seek him, we will find him, but we need to seek him with all our hearts like David. When we speak to him, he always speaks the truth. David is the only one who always seeks the Lord with his heart, and his soul was always thirsting for him.

Hosea 5:15 says God says to Israel when they know about their guilt and seek me then I will return to their place. See if we do any guilt and know about our guilt and forsake him before God and seek him. He will answer our prayers.

In our life, we have many challenges facing that will us to slow down and can’t even move forward. We need to seek him and worship him persistently so that he will give us the strength to overcome that problem.

All the enemies struggled David, but he seeks the Lord always, so God’s mercy was on him. He was confident that God could deliver him from all the problems.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Be confident in the Lord and trust him. When we seek him, God will provide us with the strength to defeat the problems. Our life should be based on faith, joy, victory. Whoever born in God will overcome the world.

We need to choose a quality time to seek him and learn the word of God continually. We must be alone and seek the Lord. The one who has a habit of praying continually can defeat everyone by the strength provided by him.paul said that prayer him without ceasing. We need to turn our face toward his face to get his strength. When we seek his face can give strength that can increase our faith.

Father Lord Almighty, make me prayer warrior and seek you continue to get stronger. I pray, Amen.

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