Every Christian that I know believes that God is a good God. But how does the goodness of God affect our daily walk with God? How does the goodness of God help us to live the Christian life day in and day out? In this article, I will show you five blessings that flow from the goodness of God.
In Exodus chapter 33 we find Moses in a conversation with God about his people’s entry into the Promised Land. Moses prayed to understand the ways of the Lord. And God’s answer is simply, “My presence will go with you”. But for Moses, that’s not enough at this point. He wants more than words. Then in verse 18: He says, “God show me your glory!”
The Hebrew word used here in honor means and is the same word for substance or weight. What Moses is saying is Lord, I really want to know who and how you really are. What are you made of? What is your drug? I don’t just want to know you in general; I don’t just want a vague understanding of you. I don’t just want theology. No, I want to know you for who you really are in all your glory! I want to know you completely and completely!
Would you like to ask Moses for your own request? Let’s look at God’s response to His request. Verse 19: “I will do all my goodness to go before you …” Why does God answer that way? Because it is so and who God really is. He is good! God’s goodness means he is merciful! He is full of compassion! He is full of joy, peace, wisdom and grace! He is a just a great and good God!
God says you want to know who and how I am? Let me show you my goodness. Goodness is my substance! You see what is in you that drives your actions. God is driven by His goodness !!! He is good and he does good. But God not only wants to show you His goodness, He wants even more that His goodness would become visible in your Christian life.
Psalm 106: 1: “Thank the Lord, for he is good. His loving kindness endures forever. Psalm 119:” You are good and kind and do good! “Just take these verses in. Let them sink into the depths of you spirit, mind and soul.
Who shows God His goodness? Let’s look at some more scriptures Ps 145: 9 “The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all that he has done.” Do you know what the word “everything” means? ALL! The goodness of God is for all his children, and that includes you my dear reader!
John 10: 10-11: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that you may have life and have it fully! I am the GOOD shepherd! God is good and he does good. Everything what does NOT steal, kill and destroy from God, or anything that prevents you from being the mother and father that you are supposed to be NOT from God, or anything that prevents you from being a good friend, a good husband or wife is NOT from God! O Anything that detracts from your living an abundant Christian life is NOT from God.
James 1.16-17: “So my dear friends are not thrown off the track. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes from heaven. The gifts are like rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is no deception in God, no two-faceted , nothing unforgettable. I have brought us to life using the true word and show ourselves as the crown of all his creatures. “(The Message) (This Bible passage has inspired me so many times in my life. I have recorded a dynamic teaching about It will be available to you as a free MP3 download card through my newsletter, so don’t forget to subscribe to my weekly “My Spiritual Resources” newsletter at the end of this article.)
God is good. It is a fact; it is a truth that you should and should experience as you live your Christian life. How is the goodness of God seen in your life? Here are just five of the many blessings for Victorious Christian Living:
1. The goodness of God forgives your sins
Psalm 86: 5: “For you, O Lord, are good and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to all who call on you!”
Do you carry sin and guilt around you? Today is the day when you can experience God’s goodness and God’s forgiveness. I am so happy for this blessing in my life. I receive it almost every day because I do things wrong (almost) every day.
2. The goodness of God supplies all your needs
Psalm 34: 8-12: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him, there is nothing lacking. The lions can become weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good things! “
Taste and see …. Tastes and samples are meant to increase your appetite so you want more. That is precisely why the Bible says ‘come and taste, come and see’. God will increase your desire for more of the good blessings from him.
3. The goodness of God also heals our diseases
Peter preaches at Cornelius’ house. In Acts 10:38 he says, “… how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he walked and did good, and healed all wherever under the power of the devil …”
He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Begin to believe again that the goodness of God for healing has not changed.
Maybe you say, “But Pastor Reinhard, you’re just trying to build some hope in me.” You bet! You are 100% right! Because the Bible says that if you hope and trust in the Lord and do not give up so easily, you will see the answers of the Lord in your life.
4. The goodness of God gives you the benefit of people
Read the short account in Nehemiah 2: 4-9:
The king responded to each of Nehemiah’s requests because God’s gracious hand was alive. Not only did King Nehemiah give time to travel to Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls, but he also paid for it all!
When God’s gracious hand touches your life, things begin to happen. God things are starting to take place!
Some of you are in a position where you need the benefit of people. Start praising God for his goodness and ask him to be your lawyer. His goodness will serve you with people. Expect God’s benefit in your life today, for this day.
5. The goodness of God is your protection against those who stand up against you and lie. Read Psalm 31: 16-20 Are You Being Bullied at Work? Do you have enemies standing up against you to pull you down? Do people tell lies about you, including other Christians?
The goodness of the Lord, hidden for you, will be your shield against the attacks of your enemies. Do not run away from your enemies. In the translation of the message, I Psalm 23: 5 reads, “You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my hanging head: my cup of floods of blessings.”
Stay still and know that he is God. Hide in the presence of the Almighty! I know you will fight! But it is your old nature that wants to fight. You can’t win this match! All you can do is take your refuge with God in His presence. Only there you will be saved! God will protect your soul, your feelings, and your family from the fruits of lies.
There is one thing you need to do to make these blessings your own. You have to believe! This means you must be convinced. Like David, the man after God’s own heart. David writes in his palm 27:13: “I am still convinced of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the living land!”
Here, in this life, in your life, on this earth, under your circumstances in your difficult situations, you will see the goodness of God in action. Now in this life you will experience how good it feels when your sins are forgiven. You will see how good God is when He supplies your needs. You should rejoice when the goodness of God causes your body to be healed through His sacrifice on Calvary. You will cry out of happiness when his stored goodness becomes your setback when people try to destroy you. You will be more than blessed when you see how the goodness of God causes you to have an advantage with people, and your circumstances that seemed undeniable will change because the Lord’s gracious hand is on your life.
I pray that the truth of this article will become a living part of your daily Christian life. God bless you!