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Ideal God. Daily Scripture Readings: Bible Verse

Introduction: You didn’t have any other gods before me . . . You shall not bow down to them or worship them- exodus 20:3, 5. Exodus is a book in the old testament. This book gives information about the journey of Israel people and how Moses guides them.

Know more about living God in – daily bible reading

Description: God delivered Israel people from the bondage of Egypt people with the help of Moses. He promised Israel people that whoever obeys his commandment will go to the promised land, i.e., Canaan. The Lord gave his commandment to Moses and told him to say to the Israel people.

The Lord spoke by saying that he is the Lord who brought Israel people from the bondage of Egypt. He said that there is no other gods before him. They should not make any graven image, and they should not make an image of anything that exists in heaven, earth, or underwater. If they do that, then they will have iniquity of their fathers upon their children unto the fourth generation.

The Lord has created the earth and heaven. He also created us. So we need to worship only him. He makes things on earth and heaven. We should not make the images of that and worship them. The Lord always said to his people to worship him and serve him.

In many chapters in the bible, God said no one should go to other gods before him. All should believe in him because he has created them and deliver them from all the problems. In 1 corinthians 8:6 says that there is only one god, the father, and also Jesus Christ from whom are all things and for whom we exist.

Isaiah 26:4 says that God is everlasting; we need to trust him forever. We need to remember the former things to old because there is none like him. Exodus 15:11 says that he is the only God who does wonders, majestic in holiness, and awesome in glorious deeds. No other god on this earth has not sacrificed his son for our sins. But the father has sacrificed his son, and he died for us and rose from death three days later.

In Psalms 97:7 and Isaiah 45:16 says if we worship worthless idols, we are put shame because they are made by humans and do not exist on earth. Being God’s offspring, we should not worship them; if we are doing that, it means we lack knowledge and wisdom. God will curse us, and we will perish if we make any idols and worship them.

Isaiah 42:8 says that he is the Lord, and the glory and praise should only be given to him. The book of Psalms 135:15-18 says that the idols of the nation have a mouth, but they do not speak, they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, they do not hear, and there is no breath in their mouths. But the creator of the earth who is our Lord is the living God who can speak, hear, and answer our prayers.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. The only living God on this earth. We need to worship him and serve because he is the creator of all things that exist on earth and heaven. We need to trust and believe in him because he has sent his son as a human and died on the cross to give salvation. We need to desire the ideal God because we cannot wish other gods into existence.

Father Lord Almighty, I thanked you because you are true God, everliving God, forgive me, clean my sins, and come into my life as Savior and make the holy spirit lives in me forever. I pray, Amen.

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