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Principles of tithing and offerings (keys to abundance)


The God of heaven wants you and I to live in abundance. It is never the creator’s desire that his children be in short supply. In the Lord’s prayers, the first line says “Give us our daily bread”, not “Give us our daily bread in two days”. This shows that God wants you and I to live daily in abundance of our needs and desires. Even from the beginning in the Garden of Eden, he provides everything that man needed to live in abundance, though abundance is present, he gave them guidelines to follow, and that is principle. We control the amount of flow (quantity) of blessings and supply to our needs.

Even in the Garden of Eden there are divine principles, and when they failed to obey, they live for it. There are also divine principles for this effect. Our God is not a magician, but a miracle working God, he is not a “non-sense” God. He works according to principle and respects the observed principle. In one of my e-sermons “Principles of Seed Faith” (available online), I shared the principle of seed faith and how it will bring us abundance and answered prayers, (Search Online “Principles of Seed-Faith” by Bamidele Moyo-Angel or you contact me via email) you need the e-sermon. I rightly stated that “Principles correspond only to obedience and not to fasting and prayer.”

By the grace of God, I want to share with you that aspect of biblical and divine truth that channels our course and brings us to abundance. It will answer all your questions about tithing and offers. This piece by no means attempts to argue for a statement made by any individual but by sharing a divine and a biblical truth.

Jesus said that we should not neglect the tithing (Matt. 23:23). Therefore, giving and tithing should not be understood as the Old Testament or a religious obligation. Rather, it is a privilege for those who choose to exercise their faith to give.

The Old and New Testaments produce a complete Bible, not only the Old Testament or the New Testament, but both. Jesus did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. In fact, the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament (personal conclusion).

Tithing and giving sacrifices does not buy God’s blessing, but it does release His blessing upon our lives.

Those who are tithe express their faith in God in the most practical way. They say, “I think the 90 percent that I have after the tithe has God’s blessings with it. With God’s blessing, they can buy 90 percent more than they 100 percent would have, without His blessing.”

The poor need to give because they need God’s blessing to break the cause of poverty.

Obedience in giving brings blessings and breaks the curse of poverty!

The most popular reading of tithes and offerings is often taken from Malachi 3: 8-11

“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me! But you say,” In what way have you robbed you? “In your tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed me, also this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the store, so that there may be food in my house, and now try me in this,” says the Lord of Hosts. , “IF I DON’T OPEN TO YOUR HOME WINDOWS AND PUBLISH TO YOU AS A BLESSING THAT THERE WILL NOT BE HUMAN WORLDS TO RECEIVE IT” and I will reprimand the devourer for your sake so that he does not destroy the fruit of your soil do not the vine fall to bear fruit for your field, “says the Lord of Hosts”

I take the time to explain the above Bible verse, but before then; Let us consider some truth, significance and the origin of tithing and offerings.

Every believer is a steward of everything he possesses. “As everyone has received … the same clarifies the other to one another as good stewards of the multiplicity of God’s grace” (1Peter 4:10), “Moreover, stewards require a man to be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4: 2). A steward is someone who manages, manages and takes care of what belongs to another. Since God is the one who gives every material blessing, we acknowledge His ownership. “… For all things come from you and your own, we have given you back” (I Chronicles 29:14), “Every good gift and every perfect is from above, and comes down from the Father of light …” (James 1:17 ).

These show that all that you possess is of the Lord and gives you to take care of it; as steward you will explain what has been given to you: be it money, landed property, your gift and talent, material blessings, etc.

1. Did God ask us to give tithing?

From what he has given, he asks me to give a tithe of 10 percent (what about you?): “And all the tithe in the land, whether of the seed of the earth or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s: it is holy to the Lord “(Leviticus 27:30),” You must truly tithe tithe ALL the increase of your seed which the field produces year by year … “(Deuteronomy 14:22)

Jesus commanded tithing. “… For tithing … this you must do …” (Luke 11:42)

2. God’s purpose for tithing as seen in the Old Testament

  1. To support the poor and the needy in Israel: Among the Israelis, the harvest of every Sabbath (seventh) year was reserved for the poor. “But in the seventh year you shall leave your fields and lay down, so that the poor of your people may eat, and what they leave behind the animals of the field shall eat. Likewise, you must shop with your vineyard, ad with your olive garden “ (Exodus 23:11)

The harvest of harvest was to be given to the poor and foreigners.

  1. To support the Levites: The Lord called for a special “third year of tithing” for the Levites, the orphan, the widow, and the foreigners.

At the end of three years you shall bring all the tithes to your ascent that same year … that the work in your hand that you must do “ (Deuteronomy 14:28, 29)

3. God’s purpose for tithing as seen in the New Testament

  • To support the poor and needy: Neither was anyone among those who were missing; for as many as the owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things sold, and placed them at the feet of the apostle, and distribution was made to every one, according to his need.And Joses, called by the apostles Barnabas, viz. as interpreted, the consolation son, a Levite, and the land of Cyprus who had land, sold them and brought the money and placed them by the apostle “(Acts 4: 34-37)
  • To support teachers and preachers: The leaders and teachers of the Church were to be supported by the tithing and the sacrifices of those they served.

“Let him who is learned in the word share with him who learns in all good things” (Galatians 6: 6). “Yet he ordained the Lord that those who preach the gospel should live the gospel” (1Cor 9:14)

When Paul went out as a missionary to preach the gospel to those who had never heard it, he was supported by the Church in Philippi. “… as you in the Philippines know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel when I was traveling out of Macedonia, not a church shared with me on the issue of giving and receiving, except you only …”

  • God’s special promise: To those who give, God gives a special promise. “Give, and it shall be given to you; a good measure, pressed down and shaken together and the race of men to give in your lap. For with the same measure that you give, it must be given to you again ” (Lk 6:38)

This passage teaches us that we control the flow (quantity) of God’s blessing and supply for our needs. If we give spoons to the Lord, He will pick up the same spoon that we used and use it to do what we ask. If we have faith in giving shovels to the Lord, He will pick up the same shovel and use it to push back to us what we need in much more abundant blessing.

TESTIMONI SERVICE: There was a time in my life when God’s blessings came so much to me in the field of monetary blessing, and I give my tithe every ten. At one point I received so much money in US dollars, the calculated tithe was so high and so much to me; believe me, I didn’t pay it. Do you know what God did? I have blocked the flow and the source of the blessing.

These show: we control the flow (the quantity) of God’s blessing and the provision of our needs.

4. Tithing and offering as a privilege: Several centuries before the law was given to Moses in Mount Sinai, Abraham gave a tithe (tenth) to a representative of God (Genesis 14: 18-24; Hebrews 7: 1, 2). Jacob promised to give a tenth of everything, blessed him with (Genesis 28:22). Jesus said that we should not neglect the tithing (Matt. 23:23). Therefore, giving and tithing should not be understood as the Old Testament or a religious obligation. Rather, it is a privilege for those who choose to exercise their faith to give.

5. Tithing expresses faith: Tithing and giving sacrifices does not buy God’s blessing, but it does release His blessing upon our lives.

“Bring all the tithes into the store so that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this,” says the Lord of Hosts, “IF I DO NOT OPEN TO THE DOUBLE Windows in the sky and pour out to you as a blessing that you will not OUR ROOMS WERE TO RECEIVE IT “

Those who are tithe express their faith in God in the most practical way. They say, “I think the 90 percent that I have after the tithe has God’s blessings with it. With God’s blessing, they can buy 90 percent more than they 100 percent would have, without His blessing.” It takes faith to believe it.

God gave His people tithing money, oil, wine, flour, fruit, wood, animals, and other possessions.

6. How and where do I give tithes: Biblically, you tithe 10 percent of your first fruit, but I have seen people in practice tithing ten percent, it depends on your faith and your level of expectation for God’s blessings. You do not give tithing and necessarily offer the sacrifice every Sunday, but from every blessing of God comes to you, you tithing and sacrifice from there.

7. Where do I give tithes and offer: You tithe to the house of God where you receive blessing or into a service that blesses you, but you can give your offer (Freewill Offerings) to the needs of Christian ministries.

8. How often should I tithe and offer: You tithe the first of your fruit (or income) of ALL your increase. You are tithing from gift materials and money and not from your income (salary alone). You make an offer at any time.

9. Discipline in giving tithing and offering: Often it is not easy to pay tithing and sacrifice, but it is a commandment. What you need to do is do Practice discipline in joy.

10. Tithing is a law of the Old Testament: No! Jesus said that we should not neglect the tithing (Matt. 23:23). Therefore, giving and tithing should not be understood as the Old Testament or a religious obligation. Rather, it is a privilege for those who choose to exercise their faith to give. The Old and New Testaments produce a complete Bible, not only the Old Testament or the New Testament, but both. Jesus did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. In fact, the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament (personal conclusion).

11. Will I be caused if I do not give tithes and offer my offerings according to Malachi 3:11: I personally do not associate the reason for not paying your tithing. The Bible says “If you love me, you will keep my commandment” and tithing and giving is one of God’s commandments in the Bible. I said “Give …” So what happens to someone who obeys commandments? 2. Not giving your tithing and offering is like closing the door to your abundance and open sky.

12. Be a generous and cheerful giver: The Bibles teach us to give willingly and cheerfully from a spirit of generosity. God does not measure our giving according to the amount we give. He rewards us according to what is left when we give. Jesus said that the small amount the widow gave was greater than all the others because it was “all she has” (Luke 21: 1-4). Generous giving is proof of our love, faith and maturity.

A generous believer makes others thank God! The poor need to give because they need God’s blessing to break the cause of poverty. The Christians in Macedonia were in great poverty (2 Corinthians 8: 2), yet they gave liberally. They had learned obedience by giving brings blessings and breaking the curse of poverty!

Jesus is the ultimate example, became poor to bless us. Refusing to be a faithful steward by not giving is an act of robbery and rebellion against God. But to give in to its purpose of giving is to receive an “open heaven” and abundant blessing and protection from lack and famine.

13. What will faithful tithing and offering do for me ?:

  1. It opens to your window for God’s blessing.
  2. Devotees (illness, pain, death, loss …) are kept from the 90 percent
  3. It proves your love for God and His command.
  4. It positions you for blessing through open possibilities.
  5. Is your source of healing, miracle and is your heavenly story.
  6. It opens to your abundance.
