Intimacy with God – have you experienced it and its benefits?


What do we know about intimacy? We know it is all about belonging, familiarity and closeness, all in connection with personal matters. If you are with people whom you love as your spouse, relatives and close friends, you would gain insight into what it is like. But when it comes to our relationship with God, nothing can compare to the depth, richness and wonder of the unique privilege we have access to. It can never be compared to what we experience in human conditions.

The part of Scripture that reveals this truth is found in all the verses in Psalm 84. If you have access to a Bible, I suggest you look it up. Or surf it up in the search engines, it will definitely come up!

Now, returning to Psalm 84, it was in one of Pastor Val Natcher’s messages at Emmanuel Church that he learned that in almost every verse, the psalmist Asaph shares aspects of his intimacy with his Creator.

A. The psalmist expresses his deep longing for the living God.

1. The ultimate goal of his longing is the Lord Almighty. We note here that he longed for the Lord Himself, not a response to a prayer, not a follow-up to a request, but it was really based on the relationship they had.

2nd His enthusiasm is intense. It was not an ordinary feeling, it was a strong longing to experience his creator.

Third The extent of his longing is his total being. It was part of his daily existence, not for a moment.

B. The psalmist explains his deep longing for the living God.

1. We will enjoy his privilege with praise and worship. Just as in Revelation 7, we will be able to witness a fantastic corporate worship of every tongue, nation and tribe that all give glory to God.

2. We will experience his provision of supernatural strength, especially in the most difficult circumstances of our lives. This is the “Baka Valley,” as the verse mentions. It involves turning problems into triumphs.

3. We can expect his promise of protection and blessings.

In fact, blessed is the person who summons Jesus and makes him his Savior and Lord! This will lead us into the kingdom and give us access to his very presence. This will also allow us to experience and receive all the many blessings he is willing to shower us with as we pursue an intimate relationship with him.
