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The Gift of Welcome: Inspirational Bible Verse

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers. Hebrews 13:2. In this bible verse of the day, Paul writes a letter to Hebrews describing how to welcome the strangers, love them, and serve them.

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Paul describes not to forget to show hospitality to strangers. If brotherly love is present, then we will not forget the hospitality to one another. Only, the love of Christ makes us serve others. When we dwell in Christ and abide in him makes us love him. The more we understand the love of God, we will see that his love will work out in our life.

How Abraham showed hospitality to strangers in daily bible verse in English:

So we need to abide by him and obey his commands and welcome strangers. In Genesis 18th chapter Abraham has welcomed three strangers into his home and serve them without knowing they were the angels of God. they brought a message of blessing to them. We serve Christ when we serve others.

In Romans 12:13 says that we should contribute to the needs of the saints and also to show hospitality. In 1 Peter 4:9 says that we need to show hospitality. We need to seek to serve, not be served by others. In Mark 10:45 says that even the son of man did not come to be served, he wanted to serve others and to give his life a ransom for many.

When we are a steward of God in bible scripture reading:

Titus 1:8 says that as a steward of God, he should be a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, holy, self-controlled. Discipline. When we want to be a steward of God, we need to practice the above characteristics.

In Leviticus 19:34, the Lord commands the Israel people that if a stranger who is sojourn stays with them, they should not be vexed him and love him as you love yourself and treat him as the one among themselves because once upon a time they were strangers in the land of Egypt. In Deuteronomy 10: 18-19, Moses says to Israel that they should love the strangers because the Lord has loved them and gave food and clothing.

God gives eternal life to the one who shows hospitality to others in daily Bible KJV:

In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus says to the disciples about the second coming of the man of God. Then he will separate them from one another like a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats. Then he keeps the sheep on his right hand and goats on his left hand.

Then he says the people who are on his right hand “come to me, you are blessed by my father and inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you.” Then he says when I was hungry, you gave me meat and gave water when I was thirsty and when I was a stranger, you took care of me. You gave clothes when I was naked and visited at the time of sick and in prison.

Then the righteous people answered him by saying Lord when we have done all these. Then the son of God gives a reply to the people by saying I am telling the truth you have done all these to the one who is ignored by all. If you have done it to them, then you have done it to me. The one who did not serve strangers will have everlasting punishment, and the righteous will be eternal life.


Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. We need to have a mindset of Jesus because he has sacrificed himself for ransom for many. We need to develop it from Jesus christ to sacrifice ourselves for Christians.

When we serve others, then God will give us eternal life; otherwise, we will have everlasting punishment after entering into the kingdom of God. We need to be as a steward of God and develop the character of hospitality.

We should not neglect to serve others. How do we need to serve Christ because he is far from us? By means of serving others is equal to serving others. God loves the one who shows hospitality to others. We need to ask God to develop this character in ourselves.

Father Lord Almighty, make me a person to show hospitality to strangers and serve them with heartfully. I pray, Amen.

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