I love you in this place called life
I touch your hand
Offering comfort for the journey.
In a few moments you will leave
This realm and move beyond
Mortal earthly life.
Each one of us will live on then
With you in our memories.
In footprints we shared and
Heartbeats we felt together,
In the lives of the others
Still present.
Wherever your soul travels,
The breath of life will return
To the source,
To the giver of all life,
Who breathed into the dust of man
Who became a living Soul.
All souls are given a purpose
And free will,
A choice to accept or reject
Christ’s free gift of Himself.
To become an eternal being
Or become ashes under our feet.
“Man, you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”
But your soul
As the breath of life,
Surpasses all earthly bonds.