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Jesus Calls You

Don’t be foolish or slow of heart, I will not pass you by.
Sit with Me.

I am your healer, the restorer of your soul, and the One who forgives.
Turn to Me.

I will lead you to still waters and quiet resting places.
Walk with Me.

I wait for you with outstretched arms to assure you of My love.
Run to Me.

Let My words be as a flame of love that burns deep within you.
Sup with Me.

Why are you troubled and why do doubts arise so easily?
Look to Me.

I am your song, I want to fill your heart with My praises.
Delight in Me.

What I have told you, I am faithful to fulfill.
Rest in Me.

Let Me open your understanding so you can know all I have done for you.
Learn of Me.

I am glorified and have sent you the promise of My Father.
Drink of Me.

I will be your source of joy and fruitfulness. You will never be empty.
Abide in Me.

I speak to you the promises that come from My Father’s heart.
Trust in Me.

I place My hands over you and pour out my richest blessings upon you.
Receive from Me.