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Living the Proverbs 31 Life – Proverbs 31:13


Proverbs 31:13 She seeks wool and flax and works with willing hands [to develop it].

This is the verse we mentioned in the introductory lesson. Again, I would not suggest taking this verse too literally unless you have a desire to develop wool and flax. If you do not want to develop wool and flax, be aware that the spirit of the text speaks to Proverbs 31 Woman is a diligent woman. It also speaks to something a little deeper.

As with rubies and pearls (lesson 2), wool and linen also have symbolic meaning. First, let’s define wool and flax. Wool is the dense, soft, often curly hair that forms the sheep’s coat that is processed into a textile fiber. (See After processing, wool is white and is therefore used as a symbol of purity (See Deut. 22: 9-11) and forgiveness of sins (see Isaiah 1:18).

Flax is a widely grown plant with light blue flowers, seeds that provide flaxseed oil, and slender stems from which a textile fiber is obtained. (See It is picked and processed into either a very fine yarn used for high quality linen or lace, or a harder yarn used to make rope. (See

The spiritual significance of wool and flax includes both items being processed before they can be of use. Their uses are both functional (wool – warm) and fashionable (flax-linen-beautiful clothing). They both come from living things: wool from animals (sheep) and flax from plants. However, these inferences where I see something of great spiritual importance. In the Bible days, wool and linen were forbidden to be worn by the Israelites. (See Deut. 22: 9-11 and Eze. 44: 17-18.). Obviously, one would generally not mix the two together because wool provides warmth and linen provides coolness. More important than this, wool represents the Children of God, and flax (linen) represents the world or Gentiles. Wool came from sheep, symbolic of the Children of God, and flax came from Egypt, a kind of world. (See Isaiah 19: 9).

God forbade His chosen people to interfere with those outside the covenant. Similarly, I, as Christians, have forbidden us to go with unbelievers. (See II Cor. 6:14.). However, it is God’s will that all men be saved. His having a chosen people, the Israelites, was just to be the first fruits of his kingdom. It was always his desire for the Gentiles to worship him as Jehovah. It is also his desire for unbelief to become believers. So when I read that Language 31 Woman “seeks wool and flax and works with willing hands to develop it,” I see the ministry. I see her serving the Christian (teaching) and the unbeliever (evangelism). Her “willing hands to develop it” speaks to her who never gives up sharing God for her salvation with others and not to be dismayed if the people appear unsatisfied. She knows she has either planted or watered a seed and God will give the increase. (See I. Cor. 3: 6.). Is it to say that everyone has to be a minister? No. Not everyone is called to the ministry. However, we all need to share the gospel with others. We do this by witnessing our mouths and our lifestyle. We do not have to mount the pulpit and take a text, but we have to let the light of God shine through us. So be a saying 31 Woman, and let your light shine willingly on Christians and unbelievers, so that none of them will live under the privilege of salvation, which is complete peace.

Be blessed! See ya in the next article!
