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What does the bible talk about musical instruments?

History of music:

Music both vocal and instrumental was first well cultivated among the Hebrews, new testament Christian’s and church through the centuries. When we look at the old testament it reveals that God’s ancient people were devoted to study and practice the music. The music in the bible was first used by King David. Israel people used musical instruments and were practiced by them in the biblical periods. Music was an integral part of ancient Israel in their daily lives. They played chordophones and frame drums and sang love songs. They also used to dance and were choreographed musicians and singers with special structures.

In the biblical period, people used music in their daily lives to express a great variety of moods and feelings of joy, sorrow, hope and fear, faith, and doubt. Egyptians also used musical instruments like Lyre, obeo ki instrument, drums, flute, and sistrum. We also find musical instruments mentioned in daniel 3:5 in the bible. They were horn, pipe, lyre, trigonometry, sharp, and bagpipe.

The first musician in the bible was Jubal, he was the son of Lamech. He is the forefather of all musicians. He used the harp and flute musical instruments. In genesis 4:21 says the father who played string instruments. When we look unto the psalms 150 we have 9 types of musical instruments that were used to praise God. King David used a harp, string instrument often associated with psalms. King Solomon was also commanded his people to play musical instruments to praise the Lord.

The bible verses that talk about musical instruments:

What Does The Bible Talk About Musical Instruments?

  • Psalm 150:1-6 says to praise Him for his greatness, mighty deeds. Praise him with trumpet, flute, harp, tambourine, string, pipe, cymbals.
  • 1 chronicle 3:16 says 4000 gatekeepers and 4000 members are offering praise to the lord with playing instruments.
  • 2 Samuel 6:5 says David and the house of Israel were offering praises before the Lord with songs and musical instruments like Lyre, harps, and tambourine.
  • 2 chronicles 29:25 says the Levites played musical instruments in the house of the lord.
  • 1 chronicle 15:16 says David commands Levites to appoint their brothers to play musical instruments loudly to raise sounds of joy.

In the bible, we see many scriptures How God’s people used musical instruments to praise and glorify God. They used to sing songs, hymns, psalms along with musical instruments to praise the is very important to worship the Lord with the musical instruments to glorify him for his greatness and mighty deeds. In the old testament musical instruments were used by God’s people.

Even in the new testament, they used musical instruments to praise the Lord. In Revelation 15:2-3 says the resurrected saints sing praise to God and their voices will be accompanied by the playing of musical instruments. In Ephesians 5:19 says sing and praise the lord and make melody in your hearts.

Without the use of musical instruments, the songs would not be more melodious. So it is important to use musical instruments when singing and praising the Lord. God teaches that playing musical instruments to praise him is appropriate. If the song is sung by playing musical instruments our hearts are filled with the holy spirit and definitely feel the presence of the lord. So it is important to play a musical instrument for every song, hymns, praises, and spiritual songs

Some people will believe not to use musical instruments in the church. But it is appropriate to use musical instruments in the church because God has commanded both in the old testament and new testament to playing musical instruments to praise God. Both the music and the words are important to structure the songs. Both had equal importance to structure a specific song. The usage of music in the church is dear to every heart because it makes us dance, sing loudly and worship the lord with wholeheartedly.

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