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7 last words on the cross of Jesus

The only purpose and mission for which Jesus Christ came to our planet Earth were to redeem mankind from the penalty of death, which is the eternal separation from God. The triune God, who passionately made the mankind in His own image and loved unconditionally, couldn’t entrust this mission to any of His Cherubims. Read below more about 7 last words on the cross of Jesus

Out of pure love, Jesus himself took up the human form, born of a virgin, to accomplish this commission. And he achieved it through his sacrificial death on the cross. His death was the most impacting even in the history of mankind. In fact, it split the era between – Before Christ (BC) and After Death.

Jesus clearly explained the purpose of his coming to earth to his disciples. He repeatedly reminded them about it. He made an impact on people from all walks of life. He healed the sick, cast the demons out, raised the dead and even feed a great multitude in two different occasions. He constantly spoke about the Kingdom of God and revealed it in the form of parables.

Many people were attracted to him and his teaching because he spoke with power and authority. Ironically, some of the great religious leaders, who were well-versed in the Law, couldn’t understand the truth. They were so blind that instead of being convicted of their sinfulness and ignorance, they were offended by His words and deeds. They constantly followed to find faults in him. And finally, the opportunity came when the perfect time for Jesus to die on the cross fully arrived.

The seven words of jesus on the cross

7 last words on the cross of Jesus

By paying about 30 silver coins to Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, religious leaders arrested Jesus, who was praying with his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane. First, they took Jesus to Annas, Caiaphas – the high priest and then he was taken to the council of Sanhedrin council for further investigation. The only intention for interrogating Him was to accuse him (John 18:1-24). They twisted the truth and falsely accused Jesus. All through the ordeal, Jesus remained silent.

By doing this, he fulfilled the prophecy mentioned in Isiah 53:7. Later, they charged Jesus for Blasphemy and wanted to execute Him. But as they didn’t have the power and authority to do so, they took him to Pilate for a speedy trial and final execution (Matthew 27:1-2).

Pilate tried Jesus’ case but couldn’t find any fault in Jesus. He wanted to release Jesus without any harm. But the Jewish leaders were not allowing him to do so. However, when Pilate learned that Jesus was basically from the region of Galilee, he diverted his case to Herod, who was the ruler of Galilee.

Often times Herod got to hear the stories of miracles that Jesus performed to others. The way he healed, delivered and restored the broken lives. He literally had the desire to see Jesus. And when the opportunity came, he was thrilled. However, his joy was short lived. No matter how many questions he asked, Jesus remained still and didn’t answer to any of his questions. When Herod sensed that Jesus was purposefully not responding to his questions, he became very furious.

Finally, he quenched his rage by making fun of Jesus. He ordered his soldiers to mock him, despised Him and then to array him in purple robes (Luke 23:11). Later, they send Jesus back to Pilate for interrogation.

Seven sayings of jesus on the cross sermon series

7 last words on the cross of Jesus

When Pilate perceived the true motives of the Religious leaders’, he offered to release him as a part of their Passover custom, but the religious leaders and the crowd asked Pilate to give them Barabbas, a notorious thief, and to crucify Jesus. (Luke 23:1-25 7& Matt. 27:24). The religious leaders were so determined to kill Jesus that they with one accord shouted, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.”

To satisfy the angry crowd, Pilate ordered the Roman soldiers to whip Jesus 39 times. But when he saw that the crowd was not satisfied with the punishment, he played safe. He got rid of the sins by publically washing his hands. He then charged the soldiers to prepare for his crucifixion.

The Roman soldiers were known for their cruelty and ruthlessness. They considered every person as a criminal who was given such harsh punishment. Ignorant of who Jesus truly was, they dealt harshly with him. They showed no mercy or remorse while dealing with Jesus. Initially, they made him wear a crown of thorns, then, they mocked him, slapped him, spit on his face, and pulled his beard.

Finally, they made him carry a heavy wooden cross from Jerusalem to Calvary. Jesus willingly bore the indescribable pain and torture for our sake – to redeem us. He also knew the reward and the joy that he would be receiving after his death.

On the Calvary, Jesus was nailed to the Cross along with two other criminals. While dying on the Cross, Jesus spoke seven words which are of great value and significance. Even though it has been more than 2000 years, the impact of those words can be seen even today. Time and age have not lessened their impact.