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Bible verses about comfort and strength in hard times

The entire bible is filled with promises that provide comfort and strength in hard times. When we are in hard times God gives strength when we need it. If we want to get God’s strength we need to commit ourselves to God. He provides strength when we are weak. But when we wait on the Lord He will provide the comfort and strength in our hard times. We have troubles in this world so we need to overcome it. That is possible only through the word of God because He cares for us. He protects and comforts us in our troubled times.

We live in a broken world and sinful world so we still face difficult situations and pain that appear and have no answers for them. God’s word is truth and we need to cling on the truth in hard times and speak the promises over our life. We need to know God is there with us through all our ups and downs in our life. When you read the bible verses about comfort and these can help you to calm your mind and help us to focus on the word of God. God never wants to give endless suffering. He only wants us to trust in the word of God and it is the answer through all our tough times. If we believe in God’s power. We will get through anything life throws away.

Interesting Bible verses that will help us to comfort and strengthen in our hard times:

  • In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says that the God of comforts will comfort in our troubles. So that we need to comfort others with the comfort we receive from God.
  • In Roman’s 8:35 Says God’s love is greater than the persecution and troubles in this world.
  • In Isaiah 40:29-31 says when we wait on the lord He will renew our strength. When we are willing to surrender ourselves to Him then only we are ready to receive God’s strength. God will overcome all our troubles and succeed in anything. We need to patiently wait on the lord to receive his power.
  • In 1 Peter 5:7 says when we cast all our fears on him. He will care and comfort us in all our difficult circumstances.
  • In Psalms 40:1-3 God always hears our cries of pain and lifts up high on a steady foundation to stand firmly.
  • In Habakkuk 3:19 says the Lord is my strength and He will make us walk in high places.
  • In Proverbs 18:10 says the name of the lord is a strong tower and if we are righteous we are safe under it.
  • In Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and also our strength and He will help in our troubles.

Conclusion: comes with daily bible verses to enlighten the lives of people and grow spiritually in Him. Cling on to the above bible verses daily in your hard times and speak on these verses on you. so the devil will not attack you and you will safe in the hands of the lord

Bible verses for comfort and strength video

Bible verses about comfort and strength in hard times