Music includes rhythm, pitch, and dynamics. It is performed with a high range of instruments. The word music serves from Greek. It is an important part of people’s way of life because it plays a major role in religious rituals. The music in the song is known as melody. The lyrics in the song as well as the music are both important to structure the song.
Music is an expression of praise and worshipping the Lord by his greatness. Worship is a spiritual relationship with God by daily worshipping for His truth, Mercy, and power. Singing is an aspect by which we worship the Lord by proclaiming his glory and holiness and also our gratitude for him and the gift of his Son for our salvation.
When we look at the bible verse Hebrews 12:28-29 says we need to offer acceptable worship to God because He is a consuming fire. The bible says We need to worship the Lord by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts. We need to give thanks in all circumstances for everything He has done in our lives. We must worship in spirit and truth.
The Bible says that hymns and songs are used to worship God. By singing songs in worship, we can proclaim the truth of God’s power and rejoice in His redeeming grace and also strengthen each other in singing the truth of His scriptures. In Psalms 135: 3 says we need to praise the Lord for He is good. We need to praise his name because it is pleasant.
Worshipping is an essential part to show our faith towards God. worship involves a spiritual intimacy that will set the believers apart from those who are worshipping other gods. We need to worship the Lord with a clean heart and mind then He encourages our spirits to enjoy his presence in our lives.
Music is the most important because it gives a special tone to the songs that make us build close relationships with God. without the music, the songs would not be melodious. Definitely, music plays a major role in Christian worship songs.
How does singing happen in the bible:
When we see the bible David is the one who worshipped and praised the Lord with hymns. Deborah is the one who sang a song after defeating the foreign army. The Levites also sang as a choir and led all Israel to worship the Lord. Mary is the one who personally sang devotional to God. When we see the bible scripture of 2 chronicles 29:28-30 Everyone assembled and worshipped the Lord by singing songs and playing trumpets. They praised with gladness and they bowed before God and worshipped. Paul and Silas were singing in prison.
What will we sing in heaven
The only thing we will do in Heaven is worshipping the Lord with song and praises to experience God’s greatness in heaven. The Angel’s in heaven increasingly sings holy holy holy to the lord.
Which worship is acceptable to God?

We should not pretend that we are worshipping the Lord because God always sees our hearts and minds. True worship is only accepted by the lord because they are part of the body of Christ and live a truthful life. We need to confess our sins honestly so that we are purified by his blood and begin to worship Him in spirit and truth. While worshipping the Lord our attention should be directed towards Him but not ourselves.
Why should we sing?
- God commands everyone to sing and praise the lord so we should sing.
- The earliest Christians sang songs and worshipped the Lord with hymns and psalms. When we see the book of psalms in the bible, it is a great source for reading songs.
- Singing will connect us emotionally and it gives the power to lead us to dance.
- Singing will also help us to unite with the church. Music is the thing that allows us to spread the gospel to unbelievers. We need to sing in our sufferings so that we will be healed from our broken hearts.
Lastly, I want to say that we need to worship the one and only God because he has the power to save us, and also His unconditional love will draw near to him. As Christians, we need to worship the Lord without any excuses. When we begin to worship the lord on the earth and it takes practice to worship him in heaven because it is our dwelling place. So our CM Portal page has Christian worship songs, praise songs, gospel songs. So you can download them for free and worship the Lord. Our page is one of the best sites for Christian music collection. Stay tuned with our site to know many more updates